Jeffrey Presents is a dynamic events company specializing in organizing hard rock and punk concerts across the Central Coast. Founded as a passion project among friends, we secured venues with capacities ranging from 250-300 and targeted the vibrant Cal Poly college audience. Within six months, we successfully curated and hosted over 25 shows, generating revenues exceeding $25,000 and providing valuable support to both local and touring bands across California.
Role: Event Coordinator
In my capacity as event coordinator, I meticulously scheduled event dates, organized artist logistics from load-in to load-out, and collaborated with local businesses to promote our events effectively. Additionally, I actively contributed to budgeting initiatives for our events. Beyond my primary responsibilities, I've taken on diverse roles such as publicist, stagehand, and even performed on drums during one of our shows.
Example Event, The High Curbs
In San Luis Obispo, our competitive advantage stemmed from our affordable ticket prices and unique lineup of local music, hard rock, and punk shows. We consistently achieved full capacity, ranging from 250 to 300 attendees. Our business model typically involved paying the venue and artists a fixed rate, with the remaining net profit shared among our main performers. 

Poster by Robbie Baker

Poster by Olive Robertson

Poster by Olive Robertson

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